Frequently asked Data Dictionary Interview Questions in ABAP



Contributed by Vijay Vaddy

Frequently asked Data Dictionary Interview Questions in ABAP

1.    What is an ABAP Data Dictionary ?
2.    What are Domains and data elements ?
3.    Why we use Function Group in Table Maintenance Generator(TMG) ?
4.    Can we have null values in foreign key Table?
5.    Difference between check table and value table ?
6.    What are the Events in table maintenance generator and its use ?
7.    Limitations of primary keys in a database tables ?
8.    Can we create a table without primary keys ?
9.    How to create t.code for a data base table ?
10.  How to maintain a data base table ?
11.  What are events in data base tables ?
12.  What is MANDT in data base table? What is the use of that?
13.  How to maintain records for a table which has table maintenance generator?
14.  Table events?
15.   Suppose in table maintenance, I have 15 values & only five values are getting displayed can I scroll the data?
16.  What is the use of table maintenance generator?
17.  What is the life time of the events in table maintenance generator?
18.  Where do we write the code for table maintenance generator?
19.  Consider you have created a custom table and also created table maintenance generator for that, now if you added a field into it will the table get adjusted? What about the table maintenance generator?
20.  In table why should we use buffering? What is the disadvantage of using buffer, and in which scenario you will face it.
21.  Transaction creation for a table.
22.  What are Views in Data Dictionary ?
23.  Type of tables in Data Dictionary ?
24.  What  data is hold in Pooled and cluster tables
25.  How to write select queries on pooled an cluster tables
26.  Which keys are considered when forming a projection view on
27.  What are Pooled and cluster tables in Data Dictionary ?.
28.  Which keys are used for secondary index on pooled and cluster tables?
29.  which joins are used to form maintenance view and projection view
30.  Types of foreign keys  and what does the cardinality specify
31.  Can a search help can be formed using secondary index.
32.  Significance of each buffering and how are pooled and cluster tables are buffered.
33.  Why is lock objects used? How are they implemented? What is the syntax?
34.  What is the Use of sm30?
35.  Different types of search helps?
36.  What is data class?
37.  Different types of locks?
38.  Why do we create transaction for table? When we maintain it, we can even use SM30.What is the difference.